Category: Filters

  • Top sitting poses for photos and selfies

    Top sitting poses for photos and selfies

    Capturing a perfect sitting photo often requires skills. The way you sit can dramatically influence the mood and style of your photo. Many sitting poses can be used to create attractive photos. Knowing those poses will be the difference you want. First practice correct poses and then use photo editors like B612 to apply filters.…

  • Best Selfie Filters of B612

    Best Selfie Filters of B612

    In the filters tools available there on B612 there is a separate category naming filters for selfies. Let’s have a brief discussion about these selfie filters of B612 here. 1. Loveletter As the name suggests this is all about adding love and warmth to your selfies. If you want to capture the moments touched with…

  • Best Camera Filters for Foods – B612

    Best Camera Filters for Foods – B612

    In this era where social media is prominent sharing our meals has become an art. Now a days it seems like capturing food pictures is a cool skill. If you are looking for a companion to click your food to post on your Instagram or on your food bloggers then this is the best app…